Splitter / Switch 切換器 分配器
HDMI 1×2 splitter cable
This HDMI splitter cable is ideal for connecting one HDMI compatible devi..
$0.00 $60.00
This VGA male to dual VGA female converter cable splits 1 VGA male to 2 VGA female
The VGA mo..
$65.00 $45.00
USB Switch Hub for 2 Computers to Share Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner, Printer, 2-Port Input and..
$199.00 $160.00
3組 HDMI 訊號輸入,1組 HDMI 訊號輸出.
相容性高,適用於 HDMI 週邊如 Projector, Xbox 360, STB, PS, PC, Satellite Receiv..
$95.00 $60.00
HDMI Matrix 4 x 4 with Audio Separation HDMI Matrix Switcher 4 Input 4 Output Supporting 4K
The H..
$899.00 $750.00
This HDMI splitter connects a single HDMI source to multiple HDMI receivers. Easily distributes the ..
$990.00 $880.00
This hdmi 1 x 2 splitter use a single HDMI source, accessing to multiple HDMI sinks. It allows one H..
$119.00 $85.00
HDMI Splitter 1 In 2 Out 4K X 2K Same Screen Splitter Long Video Splitter HDMI 1 x 2 Switcher For Se..
$159.00 $130.00
This hdmi 1 x 4 splitter use a single HDMI source, accessing to multiple HDMI sinks. It allows one H..
$159.00 $135.00
This hdmi 4K 1 x 4 splitter use a single HDMI source, accessing to multiple HDMI sinks. It allows on..
$199.00 $175.00
HDMI Splitter 1 in 8 Outputs Premium Ultra HD High Resolution up to 4Kx2K and 3D
This HDMI s..
$429.00 $380.00
3 x 1 HDMI Splitter is a premium quality high-speed HDMI switch for your gaming or home theater setu..
$190.00 $150.00
4 x 1 HDMI Splitter is a premium quality high-speed HDMI switch for your gaming or home theater setu..
$235.00 $195.00
5 x 1 HDMI Splitter is a premium quality high-speed HDMI switch for your gaming or home theater setu..
$299.00 $250.00
2 Ports VGA Switch Video Selector Switcher Box (2 Input 1 Output)
允許 2台獨立的電腦主機,將其視訊選擇輸出顯..
$99.00 $75.00